Following on the joy I received donating my Portuguese books to a school in Brazil, I’m now using my royalties to buy Arabic books for Egyptians. With a little assist from my son, Ryan, some have already made their way to Cairo. Here he is reading to the Sphinx. Ryan’s comment, “I read your book to the Sphinx. Learning experience for the Sphinx as he only knows hieroglyphics.”
I’m still Challenging authors and illustrators out there to buy books with your royalties and donate them to children who can use them! #PayItForward
Thank you, Ryan, for your help.
Learn more about award-winning, Once Upon an Elephant, at Arbordale. Written by Linda Stanek, illustrated by me. Winner of the Children’s Choice Book of the Year, 2017. Other Linda’s books I’ve illustrated are: Cheetah Dreams, Night Creepers, and River Otter’s Adventure. All can be found at Arbordale, along with eleven of my other illustrated books, including the one I authored, Achoo! Why Pollen Counts.